
This viscometer follows you everywhere With carry case
The PORTABLE B-ONE is the ideal tool for your viscosity measurements in the workshop, production area, delivery area or outside. With one hour of battery life, it will optimize your control times and flexibility.
Autonomy more than one hour.
- Charge indicator.
- Direct measure with time to stop.
- User and locked mode.
- Data recording and USB transfer.
- Torque gage on display.
- Food Industry
- Cosmetics pharmaceuticals
- Paint / ink / coatings
- Car industry
- Building materials
- Chemical / petroleum products
- Teaching
Type of instrument : Rotating springless viscometer with 7’’ Touch screen
Rotation speeds : Unlimited number of speeds between 0.3 and 250 rpm
Torque range : From 0.05 to 13 mNm
Accuracy : +/- 1 % of the full scale
Repeatability : +/- 0,2 %
Display : Viscosity – Speed – Torque – Shear stress – Time – Charge level - indication Choice of viscosity units: cP/Poises or mPa.s / Pa.s
Norms :
ASTM : D115 ; D789 ; D1076 ; D1084 ; D1337 ; D1338 ; D1417;
D1439 ; D1824 ; D2196 ; D2243 ; D2364 ; D2556 ; D3288 ;
D3468 ; D3716 ; D3730 ; D3794 ; D4016 ; D4143 ; D4878 ;
D4889 ; D5324 ; D5400 ; D6279 ; D6577 ; D7394 ; D8020 ;
E2975 ; F1607 ; BS 5350 ; DIN 2555; 52007-1 ; EN 302-7 ;
2555; 3219 ; 10301 ; 12092 ; 12802 ; 15425 ; 15564 ; ISO
1652; 2555; 2884-2 ; 10364-12.
Language : French/English/Russian/Spanish
Compatible measuring system : MS ASTM, MS BV, MS VANE
Compatible temperature control : EVA LR-BV
Supply voltage : 90-240 VAC 50/60 Hz
Carry case : Included
Dimensions and weight :
- Head: Ø 85 mm
- Height: 310 mm
- Box: L265 x W125 x H65 mm
- Weight: 2 kg
Part Number Designation Instrument Viscosity range
Instrument (mPa.s)
T600700 PORTABLE B-ONE VISCOMETER in carrying case 200 to 240M*
M for millions, K for thousand
* With MS ASTM (R2 to R7). Not included

With carry case
Your expertise closer to the product
No matter where, the PORTABLE RM 100 allows you to bring your viscosity measurement methods where your lab can not operate.
With programming, memorization, temperature measurement and all measurement systems, all your expertise is moving!
- Autonomy more than one hour.
- Charge indicator.
- Direct measure with time to stop.
- Data recording and USB transfer.
- Torque gage on display.
- Usable with standard stand.
- Huge viscosity range.
- Programming and recording method.
- User and locked mode.
- Integrated temperature probe.
- Printer connection.
- Compatible with RheoTex software.
- Food Industry
- Cosmetics pharmaceuticals
- Paint / ink / coatings
- Chemical / petroleum products
- Car industry
- Building materials
- Teaching
Type of instrument : Rotating springless viscometer with 7’’ Touch screen
Rotation speeds : Unlimited number of speeds between 0.3 and 1500 rpm
Torque range : From 0.05 to 30 mNm
Temperature : The Portable RM 100 has a PT100 sensor which indicates temperatures between -50 °C to + 300 °C
Accuracy : +/- 1 % of the full scale
Repeatability : +/- 0,2 %
Display : Viscosity – Speed – Torque – Shear stress – Temperature – Shear rate - Choice of viscosity units: cP/Poises or mPa.s / Pa.s - Charge level indication
Norms :
ASTM : D115 ; D789 ; D1076 ; D1084 ; D1337 ; D1338 ; D1417 ; D1439;D1824 ; D2196 ; D2243 ; D2364 ;
D2556 ; D3288 ; D3468 ; D3716 ; D3730 ; D3794 ; D4016 ; D4143 ; D4878 ; D4889 ; D5324 ; D5400 ;
D6279 ; D6577 ; D7394 ; D8020 ; E2975 ; F1607 ; BS 5350 ; DIN 2555; 3219 ; 52007-1 ; 53019-1 ; 54453 ;
EN 302-7 ; 2555 ; 3219 ; 10301; 12092 ; 12802 ; 15425 ; 15564 ; ISO 1652 ; 2555 ; 2884-2 ; 3219 ; 10364-12.
Language : French/English/Russian/Spanish
Compatible measuring system : MS DIN, MS ASTM, MS BV, MS VANE, MS R, MS ULV, MS SV
Compatible temperature control : EVA DIN, EVA MS-R, EVA LR-BV, RT1
Supply voltage : 90-240 VAC 50/60 Hz
Analog output : 4 – 20 mA
PC connections : RS232 Port and USB
Printer connection : USB Host Port - Compatible PCL/5
Carry case : Included
Options :
- Laboratory stand (PN 112950)
- Software RheoTex (PN N311000 + license PN N311100)
Dimensions and weight :
- Head: Ø 85 mm
- Height: 310 mm
- Box: L265 x W125 x H65 mm
- Weight: 2 kg
Part Number Designation Instrument Viscosity range
Instrument (mPa.s)
111-T100100 PORTABLE RM100 VISCOMETER in carrying case 200 to 240M*
M for million, K for Thousand
* With MS ASTM R2 to R7. Not included

RM 100 i
For viscosity measurement on large volume
The RM100 i is perfectly suited for so-called immersion use, installing it over a tank or on a support for a measurement in a pot. Only the measuring head is above the product, the electronic box can be installed more than 17 meters in a control cabinet with its 4-20mA output.
- Industrial measure on large tanker.
- Continuous measurement or with time to stop.
- 4-20 mA output for external control.
- 17m maximum distance between head and box.
- Usable with standard stand.
- Huge viscosity range.
- Programming and recording methods.
- External temperature probe (option).
- Printer connection.
- Compatible with RheoTex software.
- Food Industry
- Cosmetics pharmaceuticals
- Paint / ink / coatings
- Chemical / petroleum products
- Car industry
- Building materials
- Teaching
Type of instrument : Rotating springless viscometer in immersion tank with 7’’ Touch screen
Rotation speeds : Unlimited number of speeds between 0.3 and 1500 rpm
Torque range : From 0.05 to 30 mNm
Accuracy : +/- 1 % of the full scale
Repeatability : +/- 0,2 %
Display : Viscosity – Speed – Torque – Shear stress – Time –Temperature - Choice of viscosity units: cP/Poises or mPa.s / Pa.s – Shear rate
Application : The RM100 i is dedicated to tank measurements for continuous monitoring of viscosity in production. Its 4-20mA analogue
output is used to send the measured value to a central computer.
Numerous tailor-made solutions according to the customer configuration for integration into the process (length and height of the plungers, fixing on the cover of the measuring head with sealing,...).
Language : French/English/Russian/Spanish
Compatible measuring system : MS DIN, MS ASTM, MS BV, MS VANE, MS R, MS ULV, MS SV
Compatible temperature control : EVA DIN, EVA MS-R, EVA LR-BV, RT1
Supply voltage : 90-240 VAC 50/60 Hz
Analog output : 4 – 20 mA
PC connections : RS232 Port and USB
Printer connection : USB Host Port - Compatible PCL/5
Options :
- Laboratory stand (PN 112950)
- Software RheoTex (PN N311000 + license PN N311100)
- PT 100 sensor (- 50°C to + 300 °C) (PN 310126)
- 5 meters extension cable available (maximum 3) (PN 113202)
Dimensions and weight :
- Head: Diameter 85 mm Height 180 mm
- Box: L120 x W145 x H261mm
- Weight: 3 kg
Part Number Instrument Designation Instrument

RM 100 L
The viscometer in line with your process
The online viscosity measurement of the RM100 L guarantees continuous control for immediate action in production.
Whatever the flow rate, the iscosity or the diameter of your pipe, this viscometer will be able to adapt by guaranteeing you a measurement according
to laboratory’s norms.
- Industrial on-line measurement.
- Continuous measurement or with time to stop.
- 4-20 mA output for external control.
- Magnetic bearing for sealing.
- 15m maximum distance between head and box.
- Huge viscosity range.
- Programming and recording methods.
- External temperature probe (option).
- Printer connection.
- Compatible with RheoTex software.

Type of instrument : Rotating springless viscometer on the production line with 7’’ Touch screen
Rotation speeds : Unlimited number of speeds between 5 and 600 rpm
Torque range : From 0.5 to 13 mNm
Accuracy : +/- 1 % of the full scale
Repeatability : +/- 0,2 %
Display : Viscosity – Speed – Torque – Shear stress – Time –TemperaturChoice of viscosity units: cP/Poises or mPa.s / Pa.s – Shear rate
Norms :
DIN : 3219 ; 52007-1 ; 53019-1 ; 54453 ; EN 3219 ; ISO 1652 ; 3219.
Application : The RM100 L is dedicated to on-line measurements for continuous monitoring of viscosity in production. Its 4-20mA analogue output is used to send the measured value to a central computer
Numerous tailor-made solutions according to customer configuration for process integration.
Language : French/English/Russian/Spanish
Supply voltage : 90-240 VAC 50/60 Hz
Analog output :
4 – 20 mA
PC connections : RS232 Port and USB
Printer connection : USB Host Port - Compatible PCL/5
Options :
- Software RheoTex (PN N311000 + licence PN N311100)
- Waterproof Fibox case (PN 400081)
Dimensions and weight :
- Head: Diameter 85 mm Height 312 mm
- Box: L120 x W145 x H261mm
- Weight: 4 kg
- Food Industry
- Cosmetics pharmaceuticals
- Paint / ink / coatings
- Chemical / petroleum products
Viscometer delivered with electronic box, measuring head and measuring cup. Need to be ordered with cylinder and cell.
Designation Part Number Compatible Part Number Compatible Part SMS Flow Viscosity range
viscometer Viscometer cylinder Cylinder cell a) Number (Cell) flange rate (mPa.s)
(mm) (m3/h)
RM 100 L MS DIN 121065 CD25 121038 25 0.03 to 0.12
Short T220330 2015 CD38 121057 38 0.05 to 0.5
CD50 121035 51 0.1 to 1
CD75 121034 76 0.5 to 2 1k to 0.67M
LD75 121033 76 6 to 8
LD100 121032 104 10 to 14
CD25 121038 25 0.03 to 0.12
CD38 121057 38 0.05 to 0.5
CD50 121035 51 0.1 to 1
MS DIN 24 121036 CD75 121034 76 0.5 to 2 230 to 0.3M
T220300 LD75 121033 76 6 to 8
RM 100 L or LD100 121032 104 10 to 14
Standard T220350 CD25 121038 25 0.03 to 0.12
th Fibox case CD38 121057 38 0.05 to 0.5
CD50 121035 51 0.1 to 1
MS DIN 30 121026 CD75 121034 76 0.5 to 2
LD75 121033 76 6 to 8 56 to 81K
LD100 121032 104 10 to 14
RM 100 L T220320 MS DIN 1210 60 LD100 121032 104 10 to 14 5 to 29K
Long 31.5 CD75 121034 76 0.5 to 2
M for millions, K for thousand
a) CD for Bended Cell and LD for Straight Cell