Coatings & Industry > Mechanical properties > Flexibility and toughness > Stone Hammer Blow Tester
Analysis System GRITSCAN
The surface analysis system GRITSCAN is a combination of hardware and software for the automatic evaluation and documentation of impact images; connectable via USB cable to standard laptops / PCs (must be provided by the user).
Principle of the Test
GRITSCAN provides an automatic evaluation and documentation of impact images.
The specially designed lighting technology (LED) enables the analysis on different contrast levels.
The evaluation can be adjusted by the user in a simple manner to the requirements of the test.
Following values are provided in the standard system:
- damaged area (specified in %)
- number of impacts.
The results are available together with the images in a Excel format.
Compared to sheer software for image-processing, as so many available, and their necessity of additional hardware, the analysis system GRITSCAN provides many advantages:
- Hardware-control completely integrated into software (no switching between different tools);
- Images become inserted into software automatically (no necessity of inconventient image-import into software);
- Hardware is delivered fully calibrated, so that no calibration is more required by the user (pixel/mm, geometric-distortion);
Technical Data
Dimensions (L x D x H) approx. 370 x 380 x 600 mm
Power supply 100 - 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz
Max. sample size DIN A 4 format (210 mm x 297 mm)
Max. sample thickness 15 mm (flat)
Interface USB 3.0

Evaluation of results by camera system vs. manual result evaluation
• Any visual or manual evaluation, y ranking or classifying of the results is suffering
of the following:
– Visual evaluation & judgment trough the users‘ eyes include the “human error“– Individual impression by the user is time-limited in his mind & remembrance.– No digital documentation.
• An automatic evaluation by a digital vision system can provide the following advantages:
– Exclusion of the “human error“.– “Impression” is exchanged against measurement and the validity & access to the values is not time-limited.
– Objective, precise and repeatable results.– Digital communication
• EN ISO 21227-2 is making a good approach to describe a standard vision system to achieve reliable results.
• Design parameters of EN ISO 21227-2 as the following:
– Pixel resolution: min 6 pixel / mm– Illumination: Diffuse bright field (recommended)
– Area of Interest (AOI): 70 mm x 70 mm (recommended)– Threshold setting: by means of reference samples according ISO 20567-1