SmartPen - Senze-Instruments Benelux

Senze-Instruments BENELUX
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ERICHSEN SmartPen : digital display with 0.05 N resolution !

Hardness Test Pencil with digital Test Force Setting

The ERICHSEN SmartPen is used to determine the scratch resistance of surfaces; depending on the used module, it can be used to determine the resistance to scratching, the tendency towards metal marking and the durability of printed markings.
For the hardness measurement of surfaces, there are our since many years well-proven hardness test pencils, models 318 and 318 S as well as models 435 and 435 S, already well established across the branches.
With these test devices, the degrees of hardness of paint films, plastic coatings, etc. can be determined, named, documented and communicated in numerical values.
No matter whether on a flat or curved surface, small or large, the instrument is always ready for use and, because of it’s small size, easy transportable.
With the ERICHSEN SmartPen, a modular hardness test pencil with digital test force setting and display (resolution 0.05 N) is now available.
The SmartPen is supplied in a plastic case with three springs and a USB-C charging cable.
If there is no corresponding additional selection in the P.O., the SmartPen is supplied without test head.
Depending on the requirements, the user can choose all of the test heads with the corresponding test tools from our hardness test pencils or test rods from the model series 318/435.
Also the test heads of existing ERICHSEN test rods can still be used.

3 Force ranges:
  • 0 -   3 N
  • 0 - 10 N
  • 0 - 20 N
Scope of delivery:

Hardness Test Pencil in modular, digital version (withouttest head), digital display with 0.05 N resolution, compatible with test heads and the corresponding test tools of the ERICHSEN models 318/435; in a plastic case with 3 springs and USB-C cable for charging; incl. Manufacturer's Test Certificate M.

  • ERICHSEN SmartPen
  • 3 springs (0 - 3 N; 0 - 10 N; 0 - 20 N)
  • USB-C charging cable
  • plastic box

Necessary  A c c e s s o r i e s  (at option):

  • Test head '318' for using test tips No.1 up to No. 4 as well as for                       (101-30070132)
                  test tip for scratch inclination test acc. to BMW

  • Test head '318 S' rolling head; for using test tips No. 1 up to No. 4 as well     (101-22320132)
                 as test tip for scratch inclination test acc. to BMW

Test tip :
  • no. 1  : 0.75 mm (Bosch)                                                                      (101-04280232)
  • no. 2  : 1.0 mm (technically equivalent to ISO 1518)         (101-04280332)
  • no. 3  : 0.5 mm (van Laar)                                                                    (101-04280432)
  • no. 4    0.5 mm (Opel)                                                                             (101-04280132)
  • Test tip (Ø 3 mm) for scratch inclination test                          (101-04280532)
                 acc. to BMW GS 97034-8
  • Manufacturer's Test Certificate M acc. to DIN 55 350, Part 18,       (101-16291432)
    incl. cost for examination and calibration/re-calibration, for test tip

1 Diamond test tip :
  • Ref : 101-02180132  
  • 413-318 Diamond test tip acc. to DIN EN 438-2 and ISO 4586-2 (with 90 degree included angle and 90 µm radius on the point).
  • Test head '435'                                                                                          (101-30120132)
                 rolling head; for using test discs (made of duroplast, copper, stainless steel)

  • Test disc made of Duroplast (Ø 16 mm, R 0,5 mm)               (101-04300132)

  • Test disc made of copper  (Ø 16 mm, R 0,5 mm)                      (101-04300232)

  • Test disc made of stainless steel (Ø 16 mm, R 0,5 mm)        (101-04300332)

  • Manufacturer's Test Certificate M acc.                                          (101-16291532)
                to DIN 55 350, Part 18,  incl. cost for examination and calibration/re-calibration,
                for test disc made of steel or copper

  • Test head '435 S'                                                                                          (101-30120232)
                rolling head; for using the test tool made of steel

  • Test tool made of steel                                                                              (101-07960132)

  • Chucking adapter (rolling) with handle                                           (101-19720332)
                for fixing and vertical guidance of the ERICHSEN SmartPen
                with test heads '318', '318 S' and '435 S' (without SmartPen, test heads and tools).
  • Spring 0 - 3 N     (101-04290132)

  • Spring 0 - 10 N      (101-04290232)

  • Spring 0 - 20 N       (101-04290332)

  • Manufacturer's Test Certificate M acc. to DIN 55 350, Part 18,      (101-16293632)
                 incl. cost for examination and calibration/re-calibration, for
                 spring for Hardness Test Pencil
A Note of Concept
The scratch resistance is perceived by a large number of users and for many years – incidentally not physically correct and therefore misunderstood - as related to the term hardness”, means in a proportionally assignable manner.

Not least due to the often used term “scratch hardness”, the “hardness” has mistakenly become part of the historically grown and living vocabulary of testing the resistance against moving mechanical treatment/influence which is the subject here.

This explains the term “hardness test pencil”, which has already been established for decades.  
Purpose and Application
For the hardness measurement of surfaces, there are our since many years well-proven hardness test pencils, models 318 and 318 S as well as models 435 and 435 S, already  well established across the branches.
With these test devices, the degrees of hardness of paint films, plastic coatings, etc. can be determined, named, documented and communicated in numerical values.
No matter whether on a flat or curved surface, small or large, the instrument is always ready for use and, because of it’s small size, easy transportable.
With the ERICHSEN SmartPen, a modular hardness test pencil with digital test force setting and display (resolution 0.05 N) is now available.
The SmartPen is supplied in a plastic case with three springs and a USB-C charging cable.
If there is no corresponding additional selection in the P. O., the SmartPen is supplied without test head.
Depending on the requirements, the user can choose all of the test heads with the corresponding test tools from our hardness test pencils or test rods from the model series 318/435.
Also the test heads of existing ERICHSEN test rods can still be used.
Easy to use :

The desired spring force is set by turning the upper part of the pencil and can be read on the digital display (adjustable in 0.05 N steps).

Screw the test head with the selected test tip and pring.
Switch the ERICHSEN SmartPen ON by pressing the button.
With the locking device, the force setting of pencil is released or determined.
Lock the force setting.

Place the SmartPen vertically on the surface to be tested, press firmly enough until the test tip or tool is maximally retracted into the head and draw a line approx. 5 to 10 mm long with approx. 10 mm/s.
The test tool should produce a scratch which is just hardly visible with the naked eye. If the spring pressure is too high, the scratch is clearly visible; if too low, no scratch
trace appears.

The force setting process is the same for all equipment variants:
  • Loosen force adjustment.
  • Place the SmartPen vertically on a flat, rigid surface and apply appropriate pressure to ensure that the used test tip or tool is maximally retracted into the head and remains retracted during the entire force setting process.

Using test heads 435/435 S:
Screw the test head „435“ with a test disc and the selected spring (after tighten the screw it must not be possible to turn the test disc).
Place the SmartPen vertically on the test surface.
The guide wheels must touch the surface.

Hadness Test Pencil
Orde number: 03340031
ERICHSEN SmartPen with digital test force setting; wit 3 springs and USB-C charging cable in a plastic box
Length (without test head): approx. 18 cm
Weight (without test head): approx. 155 g
(TVA excl.) 0.00 €
Hardness Test Pencil 318
Hardness Test Pencil 318
Hadness Test Pencil
Order number: 101-0020.01.31
incl. test tip no. 1 (acc. to Bosch; 0,75 mm Ø) and 3 springs
(TVA excl.) 0.00 €
Hardness Test Pencil 318 S
Hardness Test Pencil 318 S
Hadness Test Pencil
Order number: 101-0273.01.31
with rolling head, incl. test tip no. 1 (acc. to Bosch; 0.75 mm Ø) and 3 springs
(TVA excl.) 0.00 €
Test head „318“
Hadness Test Pencil
Order number: 101-30070132
Test head „318“ for using test tips no. 1 up to no. 4 and test tip for writing
inclination test acc. to BMW
(TVA excl.) 0.00 €
Rolling test head „318 S“
Hadness Test Pencil
Rolling test head „318 S“ usable with:
- test tips no. 1 up to no. 4 and
- test tip for writing inclination test acc. to BMW
(TVA excl.) 0.00 €
Rolling test head „435“
Hadness Test Pencil
Order number: 101-30120132
Rolling test head „435“ for using test discs made of Duroplast, Copper and Stainless Steel
(TVA excl.) 0.00 €
Rolling test head „435 S“
Hadness Test Pencil
Order number: 101-30120232
Rolling test head „435 S“ for using a test tool made of Steel
(TVA excl.) 0.00 €
Test tip (Ø 3 mm) for scratch inclination test acc. to BMW GS 97034-8
Test tip (Ø 3 mm) for scratch inclination test acc. to BMW GS 97034-8
Hadness Test Pencil
Order number: 101-0428.05.32
(TVA excl.) 0.00 €
Test tip no. 1
Test tip no. 1
Hadness Test Pencil
Order number: 101-0428.02.32
Test tip no. 1 (acc. to Bosch (Ø 0,75 mm) for scratch test acc. to BMW GS 97034-9)
(TVA excl.) 0.00 €
Test tip no. 2
Test tip no. 2
Hadness Test Pencil
Order number: 101-0428.03.32
Test tip no. 2 (acc. to ISO 1518 and GME 60280 (Ø 1.0 mm)
(TVA excl.) 0.00 €
Test tip no. 3
Test tip no. 3
Hadness Test Pencil
Order number: 101-0428.04.32
Test tip no. 3 (acc. to van Laar; 0.5 mm Ø)
(TVA excl.) 0.00 €
Test tip no. 4
Test tip no. 4
Hadness Test Pencil
Order number: 101-0428.01.32
Test tip no. 4 (acc. to Opel; 0.5 mm Ø)
(TVA excl.) 0.00 €
Diamond test tip
Hadness Test Pencil
Order number: 101-02180132
Diamond test tip acc. to DIN EN 438-2 and ISO 4586-2
(with 90 degree included angle and 90 µm radius on the point).
(TVA excl.) 0.00 €
Test tip acc. to  Clemen (R 1.0 mm)
Test tip acc. to Clemen (R 1.0 mm)
Hadness Test Pencil
Order number: 101-0218.02.32
(TVA excl.) 0.00 €
Test tip for cross hatch cutting
Hadness Test Pencil
Order number: 101-05640132
Test tip for cross hatch cutting (30°) additionally covered with an extremly hard layer
(short shaft with flat clamping area)
(TVA excl.) 0.00 €
Test disc made of Duroplast
Hadness Test Pencil
Order number: 101-04300132
Test disc made of Duroplast
(TVA excl.) 0.00 €
Test disc made of Copper
Hadness Test Pencil
Order number: 101-04300231
Test disc made of Copper
(TVA excl.) 0.00 €
Test disc made of Stainless Steel
Order number: 101-04300332
Test disc made of Stainless Steel
(TVA excl.) 0.00 €
Test tool made of Steel
Hadness Test Pencil
Order number: 101-07960132
Test tool made of Steel
(TVA excl.) 0.00 €
Rolling Chucking Adapter
Hadness Test Pencil
Order numbe : 101-19720332
(TVA excl.) 0.00 €
Handle for the chucking adapter
Handle for the chucking adapter
Hadness Test Pencil
Order number: 101-1969.02.32
Handle for the chucking adapter adaptable anti-slip grip made of aluminium with engraved grid pattern, with freely rotating axis for constant force application. When using Model 318 C, the rotation function has to be locked.

(TVA excl.) 0.00 €
Spring 0 - 10 N
Spring 0 - 10 N
Hadness Test Pencil
Order number: 101-0429.02.32
Spring 0 - 10 N red marked
(TVA excl.) 0.00 €
Spring 0 - 20 N
Spring 0 - 20 N
Hadness Test Pencil
Order number: 101-0429.03.32
Spring 0 - 20 N yellow marked
(TVA excl.) 0.00 €
Spring 0 - 3 N
Spring 0 - 3 N
Hadness Test Pencil
Order number: 101-0429.01.32
Spring 0 - 3 N blue marked
(TVA excl.) 0.00 €
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