Measuring Geometries
Coatings & Industry > Physical properties > Viscosity & Consistency

Standardised by IOCCC for testing chocolate rheology as per the Casson method

Measuring spindles in stainless steel 316 L
These measuring spindles are intended for measuring viscosity in a 600 mL beaker.
This system allows measurements according to the standard ASTM/ISO 2555.

Spindles to be used with the FIRST TOUCH, RM 100 TOUCH OR RM 200 TOUCH*

These Cone-Plates are designed to be used with the CP-1 Peltier effect Cone Plate stand.
The CP-1 PELTIER EFFECT CONE-PLATE STAND give you the option of pairing it with your FIRST TOUCH, RM 100 TOUCH ot RM 200 TOUCH.

Stainless steel discs measuring system for viscosity measurements in a 150 mL beaker.
This system allows rapid and economical measurements.
This system could be used by First RM and can also be used with the Rheomat RM 100, RM 200.
Measuring system using spindles in stainless steel 316 L
This system allows viscosity to be measured quickly and economically.