Laboratory Product > Air Quality

VT22H/J/K - Formaldehyde Monitors
- Easy to use
- Nice shape
- Large deplay for easy reading
- With Display Backlight for working in dark environments
- Available for hanging on wall
- Available with Temperature and Humidity Measurement for fully monitoring the environment
- Unit (mg / ppm) selectable
Formaldehyde is a simple chemical compound made of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon
What is the standard exposure for formaldehyde?
For working and living area a level of formaldehyde below 0,1 ppm is considered as safe.
Formaldehyde has a workplace exposure standard of 1 ppm averaged over eight hours, which is well below the threshold that triggers sensory irritation in most people.
Risks to health and safety from exposures to hazardous chemicals must, so far as is reasonably practicable, be eliminated.