Measuring microscope
Laboratory Product > Magnifiers & Microscopes

Its simple use makes the standard microscope an attractive option. Simply place the microscope on the measuring area, focus - finished.
The transparent acrylic base means the area to be checked can be seen from every side. This makes it easy to locate the measuring point. Focussing is made by coaxial rotation of the tube. The short light path in the microscope means the image of the object is shown mirrorreversed.
Lenses offering from 2x to 30x magnification are available for the standard microscope. The measurement scales associated with each magnification (lens) can be changed in the eyepiece. To ensure a rapid, dependable and clean use when frequently changing scales we recommend changing the entire eyepiece.
If additional lenses are only used for visual checks then you do not need another eyepiece.
The lateral illumination allows measurements to be made of dark surfaces or in darkened rooms. Two 1.5 volt mignon batteries are needed to operate the equipment. The microscope is supplied in a padded transport box. The box offers safe transport space for four additional lenses which can be supplied as accessories.
Use of the MKH stand gives the series 2034 microscopes increased stability. It is an essential accessory when making checks on rollers. The MKH stand is also essential when using a digital camera. Adapter rings placed between the eyepiece of the microscope and the lens of the camera allow the image to be recorded by a photographic digital camera. The image can be transferred to a laptop or desktop PC by means of an adapter cable linking the camera and the interface on the computer. Our Metric measurement software means that you can make comprehensive checks and produce detailed documentation directly on site. .

The advantage compared with microscopes in the 2034 series is in the non-reversed view of the object An additional prism reverses the light path inside the microscope. The upright view of the test point makes it easier to spot defects. Microscopes in the 2054-EIM series are especially useful in simplifying the inspection of paint coatings in the automotive industry. The rapid focussing using a handwheel and rack and is a big advantage for use at the running production line.
A robust aluminium base ensures a stable footing in the standard design. An acrylic base is also available; its use makes the text point even more clearly visible.
The advantages described above offered by the non-reversed image have the disadvantage of a somewhat lower light intensity.
For this reason, besides the standard illumination, a stronger version is with a mag-lite and adapter is also available.
2x, 4x, 6x and 10x lenses are available for all the microscopes in the 2054-EIM series. We recommend the stable MKH stand for use on delicate painted surfaces. Its base rollers are covered with a silicone-free, soft plastic tube to protect your samples from being scratched. The MKH stand is essential when rollers of any type are to be checked.
Adapter rings placed between the eyepiece of the microscope and the lens of the camera allow the image to be recorded by a photographic
digital camera. Use of the MKH stand is also essential to improve stability when using a digital camera. The image can be transferred to a
laptop or desktop PC by means of an adapter cable linking the camera and the interface on the computer.
Our Metric measurement software means you can produce comprehensive checks and detailed documentation directly on site.