508 for SAE
Coatings & Industry > Mechanical properties > Flexibility and toughness > Stone Hammer Blow Tester
SAE Stone Hammer Blow Test Instrument,

Purpose and Application
The new MULTI GRIT TESTER 508 SAE is a stone hammer blow testing instrument equipped with an adjustable impact angle, contrary to the execution of VDA.
Contrary to the VDA version, the test panel in the MULTI GRIT TESTER 508 SAE is located completely within the testing room during the whole bombardment procedure.
Due to numerous technical differences between both versions (conditional on the standards), a test in accordance with VDA using the SAE version, is not intended and thus technically excluded.
Principle of the Test
A defined number of impact bodies of specified properties is made to impinge for a given period of time and with a defined energy at a determinate angle of impact onto the specimen.
Design and Mode of Operation
The MULTI GRIT TESTER 508 SAE features, like the VDA version, a good repeatability and reproducibility of the test results.
The bombardment of the test panels is carried out with determinate grit (according to ASTM D 3170) which is accelerated by compressed air. Dependent of the specifications of further standards (mostly of car manufacturers) other shot materials can be used, too.
The shot is entered automatically using an adjustable vibratory feed.
On a multifunctional display the working pressure, the duration of the test, the setting of the vibratory feed and the number of tests conducted (total / temporary) can be read off alternatively. An air accumulator in the system eliminates effects of momentary pressure variations in the external compressed air supply.
The specimen fixing device of the MULTI GRIT TESTER 508 SAE is provided with an adjustable impact angle.
The adjusting unit for the impact angle allows to adjust the orientation of the test panel relative to the direction of impact in the range from 30° to 90° in steps of 15°.
- 508 SAE
- SAE J 400
- ASTM D 3170
Accessories (option)
Impact Cabinet RIMpact I (for models 508/SAE and VDA)
Enables the user to test complete rims respectively in principle also several other specimen, which up to now – due to their big sizes – would have to be previously segmented by cutting them.
The wheel rim to be tested is turnably fixed, so each single spoke can be tested differently by choice with varying combinations of shot gravel, shoot cycles, shot gravel quantities, shoot periods and shoot pressures (under an impact angle of 90°).
So, the user is free to use it in accordance to the current standards’ stipulations he has to follow as well as for individually tailored tests.

Technical Data
Dimensions (W x D x H): 1600 x 500 x 1250 mm
Weight (net): approx. 100 kg
Compressed air
connection: min. 8 bar / max. 10 bar, requires connecting hose with ID 19 mm
Volume flow: min. 3 m3/min
Filling pressure control: 7.8 bar overpressure, set by factory
Pressure sensor: 0 - 6 bar, accuracy 0.5% by end of value
Time for feeding shot: (4 - 30) s
Display: 8 digits, lighted LCD, height of digits 11.5 mm
Power supply: 85-264 VAC / 47-63 Hz(control circuit volt. 24 V)
Shot: grit (in accordance with ASTM D 3170)

Rating according ASTM D 3170 / SAE J-400
Most standards describing for evaluation of results a visual comparison of samples with reference images and/or manual counting of impacts