Pfund Gauge
Coatings & Industry > Physical properties > Thickness Wet Film

This simple instrument is of particular value in measuring and controlling the thickness of coatings applied by the spray gun.
It is also very useful as a check on the skill ofthe pointer in applying uniform coats of paint.
The Pfund Gauge makes il very easy to determine the shrinkage of paintfilms upon drying.
The thickness of the dryfilm may be obtained easily in a number of different ways including a micrometer.
The Pfund Gauge can also be used in combination with the Pfund Cryptometers to determine the number of coats of paint required to produce complete HIDING.
The instrument consists of two concentric cylinders, one sliding inside the other.
A spherical glass lens is fitted to the end of the central cylinder.
When applied to the damp film, it leaves a trace.
The diameter of this mark varies depending on the thickness of the coating, which can easily be assessed from the conversion table supplied with
the apparatus.
Measurement range: 2,25 to 360 µm.
Ideal for measuring the thickness of translucent products (varnish, oils etc.).
It is important that a coating is applied to the correct thickness.
Applying too much wet coating will not only waste and money, but also there is also a possibility of the coating cracking during the curing process.
Too little coating and there is a chance that the substrate will not be sufficiently covered.
To control process variables, it is often desirable to measure whilst the film is still wet.
To control process variables, it is often desirable to measure whilst the film is still wet.
Wet film measurements are also useful for systems where the dry film thickness can only be measured destructively.
This instrument consists of two concentric cylinders, one sliding inside the other. A spherical glass lens is fitted to the end of the central cylinder and when pressed into the wet film it leaves a trace.
- ASTM D 1212-D
- NF T30-125
Ref. 318-203233M001
Designation : Pfund Thickness Gauge
Material : aluminium