Scales > For Retail

Compact dual range price computing scales for commercial use.
Connectable to the printer, for amount totalisation function.
10 PLU memory.

- 3 backlit LCD displays on operator side and 3 LCD displays on customer side, with 6 digits 20 mm high, for simultaneous indication of weight, price and amount.
- Membrane waterproof numeric and functional keypad with 20 keys and acoustic feedback.
- Stainless steel 230 x 300 mm plate.
- Level and adjustable feet.
- Built-in rechargeable battery (about 70 h battery life) and 230 Vac power adapter.
- RS232/C port for connection to printer.
- Packaging: 410 x 375 x 180 mm size - approximate weight of 5,1 kg.
- Master Pack: 2x(410 x 375 x 180) mm size - 2 x approximate weight of 5,1 kg.
- Upon request:
- ACCREDIA calibration with issuing of relative certificate;
- 3000e + 3000e dual range CE-M approval.
- Price computing:
- change of unit price: €/kg - €/100g;
- entry of unit price;
- amount totalisation (with optional printer);
- calculation of the change;
- 10 PLU memories; - zeroing;
- Zero tracking;
- Semi-automatic tare;
- Digital calibration;
- Auto switch-off;
- Backlight command;
- Low battery warning.
Available versions
Code Max d
(kg) (g) 2R (g)*
355-ASB6 3/6 1/2 1/2
345-ASB15 6/15 2/5 2/5
345-ASB30 15/30 5/10 5/10
(*) CE-M divisions are obtainable only with the relative options.
NOTE: ACCREDIA calibration certificate available upon request.
NOTE: ACCREDIA calibration certificate available upon request.
Options only available at time of scale's order
Code Description 345-ECEM2 CE-M single platform legal for trade multi range approval.
345-BTPRSH ABS thermal printer for Scale House products (to be combined with specific cable for each scale). 58 mm paper width;
50 mm roll diameter; power supply through built-in 110-240 Vac power adapter.