Surface Cleanliness
Coatings & Industry > Surface inspection
ISO 8502-6: Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products. Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness. Part 6: Extraction of soluble contaminants for analysis. The Bresle method.
ISO 8502-9: Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products. Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness. Part 9: Field method for the conductometric determination of water-soluble salts.
Bresle Patches
274-PS002 Bresle Patches Plus (pack of 50)
Product Description
The Bresle Patches will allow you to extract for analysis, water-soluble salts and corrosion products from blast cleaned steel.
These compounds are almost colourless and are localized at the lowest point of the rust pits.
If they are not removed prior to painting, chemical reactions can result in blister formation and accumulations of rust that destroy the adhesion between the substrate and the applied protective coating

Bresle Test
274-P2005 Bresle Test. Includes 100 Bresle Patches
Product Description
The Bresle Test will measure contamination of water-soluble salts and corrosion products on blast-cleaned steel.
If these contaminants are not removed prior to painting, chemical reactions can result in blister formation and accumulations of rust that destroy the adhesion between the substrate and the applied protective coating.
Supplied in an industrial Carrying Case with 100 Bresle Patches, Conductivity Meter, 500ml Deionised Water, 3 × 5ml Syringes with Needles, Calibration Solution, Moistening Solution and Beaker. Conductivity Meter Calibration Certificate is an optional extra.

Dust Test
274-P4001 Dust Test. Includes Dust Test Tape & Dust Test Charts (pack of 50)
Product Description
Assess the quantity and size of dust particles on steel surfaces prepared for painting.
Dust particles on blast-cleaned steel surfaces may reduce the adhesion of applied coatings, and by absorbing moisture may promote the corrosion of the steel surface.
All items are supplied in an industrial Carrying Case with Dust Test Tape (60m roll), Dust Test Charts (pack of 50) and X10 Illuminated Magnifier.

Potassium Ferricyanide Test
274-P3001 Potassium Ferricyanide Test
Product Description
The Potassium Ferricyanide Test will enable detection of any water-soluble iron salts that form at the bottom of rust pits after blast-cleaning.
If these salts are present, they rapidly induce corrosion.
Additional packs of Potassium Ferricyanide Test Papers can be purchased to carry out further tests using this kit.
Supplied in a Carrying Case with 100 Potassium Ferricyanide Test Papers, Deionised Water Spray Bottle and Plastic Gloves.

Novo-Shade Duo + : Shade, Opacity & Cleanliness Meter
- Measure opacity (hiding power)
- Measures shade on grayscale
- Suitable for measuring coatings or plastic films
- Packaging
- Paints & Coatings
- Paper
- Plastics
A versatile solution for reflectometry measurement
The Novo-Shade Duo+ is a portable 45/0° reflectometer that can be used to assess either the shade of a surface (a simple indication of colour based on lightness/darkness) or calculate the opacity of a coating, plastic film or paper sample.
By measuring using 45/0°, the Novo- Shade Duo+ measures the colour of a surface and not the specular reflectance (gloss).

The instrument is controlled by pressing the relevant touch sensitive buttons. Functionality is dependent on which operating mode the instrument is in.
The Pass/Fail setup screen is used to enable/disable on-screen pass/fail indication and set min/max tolerancing for easy identification and reporting of non-confomances.
Software-free Rapid Data Transfer
USB connection to a computer instantly recognises the device as a drive location which facilitates the quick transfer of files using Windows File Explorer or similar software.
20,000+ readings per charge. The instrument is rechargeable via USB/PC or mains.
Easy Batching (Shade Mode Only)
User definable batch names and batch sizes for quicker and more efficient reporting.
- Full colour easy to read screen
- Adjustable brightness
- 5 button touch sensitive interface
- All aluminium construction – enclosure, optics, standard holder
- Integrated calibration holder with in-position detector for error-free calibration
Specifications 1
Instrument Information
Statistical Analysis Max, Min, Mean, SD
Graphical Analysis On board trend analysis
Power Rechargeable lithium-ion battery
17+ hours operation20,000+ readings per charge
Recharge Time Mains charger: 4hrs
Standards ISO 2814, 6504, BS 3900-D4, D7, ASTM E97,
E1347, D4214 ASTMD2805, D589 DIN6125
Memory 8 MB = 999 readings
User definable alphanumeric batching
Data Transfer Bluetooth
USB connection (no software installation required)
Resolution 0.1Repeatability 0.2%Reproducibility 0.5%Operating temperature 15°C - 40°C (60°F - 104°F)Humidity up to 85% (non-condensing)
Specifications 2
Dimension & Weights
Measurement Spot Size 15mm x 10mm elipse
Unit Dimensions 65mm (H) x 140mm (W) x 50mm (D)
Unit Weight 790g
Packed Weight 1.75kg
Packed Dimensions 180mm (H) x 330mm (W) x 280mm (D)
Commodity Code 9027 5000
Order Code 150-A4000-010
Measurement Units
Shade Mode 0 = Black – no reflectance
100 = Brilliant white – full reflectance
100 = Brilliant white – full reflectance
Opacity Mode 0 = Completely transparent
100 = Fully opaque
100 = Fully opaque
Cleanliness Mode 0 = No change
100 = Maximum change
100 = Maximum change
Scope of delivery :
Accessories Included accessories
- Certified calibration tile with certificate
- USB data cable
- Wrist strap
- Novo-Gloss Multi Gauge software
- Instructional videos
- USB data stick containing:
- Instruction manual
- Bluetooth data app
- Example Excel spreadsheets