TC - 1-2 channels
Temperature > T° Monitoring

TC101A Data Logger
Thermocouple based temperature data logger. It is available with a miniplug, screw terminal or terminal block thermocouple probe connection
The TC101A temperature data logger, is a compact versatile device to be used with thermocouple probes for accurate temperature monitoring and profiling.
This data logger is an ideal and affordable solution for applications such as HVAC studies, oven profiling, dry-ice shipments, process validation and many general purpose temperature monitoring applications.
Compatible with eight different types of thermocouple probes, the TC101A can measure temperatures as low as -270 °C, and up to as high as 1820 °C (probe dependent), with an environmental operating temperature range of -40 °C to +80 °C for the data logger body.
The 10 year battery life and the memory storage capacity of 500,000 readings with optional memory wrap makes the TC101A ideal for extended deployments.
With the user friendly MadgeTech Data Logger Software, the TC101A is easily connected to a PC to download the collected data. The MadgeTech Software is capable of presenting the data in graphic, tabular, and summary formats for reporting. Data can also be exported easily to Excel for further analysis and calculations.
Thermocouple probe sold separately.
Internal Channel Temperature : Sensor Semiconductor
Internal Channel Temperature Range : -40 °C to +80 °C
Internal Channel Temperature Resolution : 0.01 °C
Internal Channel Temperature Calibrated Accuracy : ±0.5 °C
Remote Channel Temperature Sensor : Thermocouple Types J, K, T, E, R, S, B ,N
Remote Channel Temperature Range : Thermocouple Dependent
Remote Channel Temperature Resolution : Thermocouple Dependent
Remote Channel Temperature Calibrated Accuracy : Thermocouple Dependent
Memory : 1,000,000 readings; software configurable memory wrap
500,000 readings in multiple start/stop mode
500,000 readings in multiple start/stop mode
Reading Rate : 1 reading every second to 1 reading every 24 hours
Baud Rate : 115,200
Cold Junction Compensation : Automatic
Channels : 1 Internal & 1 Remote
LED Indicators : Red & Green
Battery Life : 10 years typical at a 15 minute reading rate
Material : ABS plastic
Dimensions : 36 mm x 56 mm x 16 mm
Operating Environment : -40 °C to +80 °C, 0 %RH to 95 %RH non-condensing
Required Interface Package : IFC200
Approvals : CE
IFC200 Data Logger Interface
USB Interface Cable Package for Standard Series Data Loggers.
LTC-7PN Lithium Battery
3.6 Volt, Lithium Battery, 750 mAH. Note: These batteries are only equipped with two leads and the leads have been cut for use with MadgeTech data loggers.
MadgeTech 4 Secure Validation Software Package
IQ/OQ/PQ Secure Software Validation Workbook and Software Package.
LTC-7PN-PK Lithium Battery
3.6 Volt, Lithium Battery, 750 mAH (pack of 14). Note: These batteries are only equipped with two leads and the leads have been cut for use with MadgeTech data loggers.
• Calibration Chamber Monitoring
• Medical/Pharmaceutical
• Environmental Studies
• Precision Temperature Recording
- Calibration Certificate
- Extended Warranty
TC101A-MP :Thermocouple Data Logger, standard mini plugs
TC101A-ST : Thermocouple Data Logger, fixed screw terminals
TC101A-TB : Thermocouple Data Logger, pluggable screw terminals
IFC200 : Software, Manual and USB interface cable
Calibration Certificate : Calibration Certificate available for data logger
LTC-7PN : Replacement battery for TC101A

Internal Channel
Temperature Range: -40 °C to +80 °C Temperature Resolution: 0.01 °C
Calibrated Accuracy: ±0.5 °C
Remote Channel
Thermocouple Connection:
• Female subminiature (SMP) (MP model)
• Pluggable screw terminal (TB model)
• Fixed screw terminal (ST model)
Cold Junction Compensation: Automatic based on internal channel
Max. Thermocouple Resistance: 100 Ω
Thermocouple Type: Range (°C) Resolution Accuracy
J -210 to +760 0.1 °C ±0.5 °C
K -270 to +1370 0.1 °C ±0.5 °C
T -270 to +400 0.1 °C ±0.5 °C
E -270 to +980 0.1 °C ±0.5 °C
R -50 to +1760 0.5 °C ±2.0 °C
S -50 to +1760 0.5 °C ±2.0 °C
B +50 to +1820 0.5 °C ±2.0 °C
N -270 to +1300 0.1 °C ±0.5 °C
* Thermocouple accuracy is specified with a 24 AWG
Reading Rate: 1 reading every second up to 1 reading every 24 hours
• 1,000,000 readings; software configurable memory wrap.
• 500,000 readings in multiple start/stop mode or trigger settings mode
Wrap Around: Yes
Start Modes:
• Immediate start
• Delay start up to 18 months
• Multiple pushbutton start/stop
Stop Modes: • Manual through software
• Timed (specific date and time)
Multiple Start/Stop Mode: Start and stop the device multiple times without having to download data or communicate with a PC
Multiple Start/Stop Mode
To start the device:
Press and hold the pushbutton for 5 seconds, the green LED will flash during this time. The device has started logging.
To stop the device:
Press and hold the pushbutton for 5 seconds, the red LED will flash during this time. The device has stopped logging.
Real Time Recording: The device may be used with PC to monitor and record data in real time.
Alarm: Programmable high and low limits; alarm is activated when temperature reaches or exceeds sets limits.
Alarm Delay: A cumulative alarm delay may be set in which the device will activate the alarm (via LED) only when the device has recorded a user specified
time duration of data.
Trigger Settings:
High and Low limits may be set for the thermocouple channel. Once data meets or exceed sets limits, the device will record to memory. Bi-level start and stop triggers can also be programmed. Users can specify the number of readings to take after the device triggers.
LED Functionality:
Green LED blinks: 10 second rate to indicate logging, 15 second rate to indicate delay start mode
Red LED blinks: 10 second rate to indicate low battery and/or full memory, 1 second rate to indicate an alarm condition
Password Protection:
An optional password may be programmed into the device to restrict access to configuration options. Data may be read out without the password.
Battery Type: 3.6V lithium battery included; user replaceable
Battery Life: 10 years typical at a 15 minute reading rate
Data Format: Date and time stamped °C, °F, K, °R; μV, mV, V
Time Accuracy: ±1 minute/month (at 20 ºC, stand alone data logging)
Computer Interface: USB (interface cable required); 115,200 baud
Software: XP SP3/Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8
Operating Environment: -40 °C to +80 ºC, 0 %RH to 95 %RH non-condensing
Dimensions: 36 mm x 56 mm x 16 mm
Weight: 24 g
Approvals: CE

TCTemp2000 Data Logger
Thermocouple Temperature Data Logger with LCD (Wall mounted power adapter included).
The TCTemp2000 is a thermocouple temperature data logger perfect for applications requiring instant remote readings of temperature. The 8-button keypad and large LCD provide convenient access to current data and data logger setup.
This data logger has an internal temperature sensor and one external input for J, K, T, E, R, S, B and N type thermocouples. Additionally, memory and battery levels, external power status, sampling and recording status are shown on the LCD.
Available on-screen data includes: statistics (min, max, average) for both channels; recording status (start, stop and recording rate); display options (channels shown, units, text size); and calibration information (date calibrated, date for recalibration). Statistics can be cleared at any time during logging.
The TCTemp2000 comes with a wall mounted universal power adapter.
Thermocouple probe sold separately.
Available on-screen data includes: statistics (min, max, average) for both channels; recording status (start, stop and recording rate); display options (channels shown, units, text size); and calibration information (date calibrated, date for recalibration). Statistics can be cleared at any time during logging.
The TCTemp2000 comes with a wall mounted universal power adapter.
Thermocouple probe sold separately.
Internal Channel Temperature Sensor : Semiconductor
Internal Channel Temperature Range : -20 °C to +60 °C
Internal Channel Temperature Resolution : 0.1 °C
Internal Channel Temperature Calibrated Accuracy : ±0.5 °C (0 °C to +50 °C)
Remote Channel Temperature Sensor Thermocouple Types : J, K, T, E, R, S, B ,N
Memory : 131,071 readings per channel
Reading Rate : 1 reading every 2 seconds to 1 reading every 24 hours
Baud Rate : 115,200
Cold Junction Compensation : Automatic, based on internal channel
Battery Life : 1 year battery life at 1 min reading rate with display off.
30 days typical with continuous LCD and no backlight usage.
Optional AC Adapter available.
Material : Black anodized aluminum
Dimensions : 122 mm x 84 mm x 32 mm
Operating Environment : -20 °C to +60 °C ,
0 %RH to 95 %RH non-condensing
Required Interface Package : IFC200
Approvals : CE
IFC200 Data Logger Interface
USB Interface Cable Package for Standard Series Data Loggers.
U9VL-J Lithium Battery
9.0 Volt, Lithium Battery, 1200 mAH
MadgeTech 4 Secure Validation Software Package
IQ/OQ/PQ Secure Software Validation Workbook and Software Pack

RFTCTemp2000A Wireless Thermocouple Temperature Data Logger
Two-way Wireless thermocouple based temperature data logger with LCD (probe sold separately)
The RFTCTemp2000A is two-way wireless thermocouple based temperature data logger featuring a large LCD screen. This data logger is able to transmit up to 2000 feet maximum (outdoors unobstructed). The built-in memory also stores data internally for added security.
Ideal for measuring ambient as well as remote temperature, the RFTCTemp2000A features a built-in temperature sensor for cold junction compensation (CJC) as well as the option for an external thermocouple (not included). This logger accepts J, K, T, E, R, S, B, and N type thermocouples and is exemplary for use in the monitoring of vaccine and chemical storage as well as other perishable goods.
The convenient LCD display provides the current reading for both temperature channels. Minimum, maximum and average statistics are also provided for a convenient snapshot of the logged data.
An audible buzzer as well as LED alarm indicator instantly notifies users when the temperature exceeds the user specified alarm. Email and text message alarms can also be programmed to send through the MadgeTech software.
Internal Channel Temperature Sensor : Internal Semiconductor
Internal Channel Temperature Range : -20 °C to +60 °C
Internal Channel Temperature Resolution : 0.1 °C
Internal Channel Temperature Calibrated Accuracy : ±0.5 °C
Remote Channel Temperature Sensor Thermocouple types : J, K, T, E, R, S, B, N
Remote Channel Temperature Range : Thermocouple dependent
Remote Channel Temperature Resolution : Thermocouple dependent
Remote Channel Temperature Calibrated Accuracy : Thermocouple dependent
RF Carrier Frequency : 2.45 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 ultra-low power MadgeNET Wireless
Transceiver with fully by-directional communication.
Output Power : +0 dBm typical
Receiver Sensitivity : -95 dBm typical
Typical outdoors Line of sight : Up to 2000 ft
Typical Indoors line of sight : Up to 500 ft
Memory : 16,128 readings per channel
Reading Rate : 1 reading every second up to 1 reading every 24 hours
Baud Rate : 250,000
LED Indicators : Green, Blue & Red
Battery Life : 3 years typical at a 1 minute reading rate
Material : ABS plastic
Dimensions : 76.2 mm x 88.9 mm x 24.1 mm - Data logger only
IP Rating : IP22
Operating Environment : -20 °C to +60 °C,
0 %RH to 95 %RH non-condensing
Required Interface Package : RFC1000
Approvals : US (FCC), CA (IC), CE, South Korea (KCC), China (CMIIT), Japan (LCIE)
AcTerminal Block, 2 Position
2 position pluggable terminal block for use with MadgeTech data loggers.
USB Universal Power Adapter
Universal multiblade USB power adapter.
RFC1000 Cloud Relay
MadgeTech Cloud Services Data Logging Hub for use with the RFOT, Therm-A-lert and RF2000A Series of Data Loggers
RFC1000-CE Cloud Relay
MadgeTech Cloud Services Data Logging Hub for use with the RFOT, Therm-A-lert and RF2000A Series of Data Loggers
RFC1000 Wireless Transceiver
Wireless transceiver for the RFOT, Therm-A-lert and RF2000A Series of Data Loggers
MadgeTech 4 Secure Validation Software Package
IQ/OQ/PQ Secure Software Validation Workbook and Software Package.
RFC1000-IP69K Splashproof Transceiver
Wireless Transceiver for RFOT, withstands high pressure, high-temperature wash downs.
RFC1000-CE Wireless Transceiver
Wireless transceiver for the RFOT, Therm-A-lert and RF2000A Series. CE approved for the European Market
U9VL-J Lithium Battery
9.0 Volt, Lithium Battery, 1200 mAH
Selection Buttons
The RFTCTemp2000A is designed with three direct selection buttons:
- Scroll: Allows user to scroll through current readings, average stats and device status information displayed on the LCD Screen.
- Units: Allows users to change displayed units of measurement to either degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit.
- Wireless: Push and hold this button for 5 seconds to activate or deactivate wireless communication.
Users have the ability to manually reset the statistics within the device to zero without needing to use the MadgeTech 4 Software.
Any data recorded up to that point is recorded and saved. To apply the manual reset, press and hold the scroll key down for three seconds.
LED Indicators
- Status: Green LED blinks every 5 seconds to indicate the device is logging.
- Wireless: Blue LED blinks every 15 seconds to indicate the device is operating in wireless mode.
- Alarm: Red LED blinks every 1 second to indicate an alarm condition is set.