TC - 16 Channels
Temperature > T° Monitoring

The TCTempX16 is a 16-channel thermocouple-based temperature data logger with a reading rate of up to 4 Hz, ideal for a variety of applications, whether it is remote temperature monitoring or multiple points in a central location.
This device simultaneously measures and records 131,008 readings per channel, and users can disable channels to maximize memory capacity. For easy identification, each channel can be named with up to a ten digit title.
In addition, the TCTempX16 features individual cold junction compensation for each channel providing increased accuracy and response time, and if a probe is removed or severed during logging, the software automatically annotates the data.
The TCTempX16 is compatible with the latest MadgeTech 4 Software making starting, stopping, and downloading simple and easy. Graphical, tabular, and summary data is provided for analysis and can be viewed as customizable engineering units.
4,192,256 total readings
Reading Rate 4Hz up to 1 reading every 24 hrs
Cold Junction Compensation Automatic, based on internal channel
Battery Life 18 Months Typical
Material Black Anodized aluminum
Dimensions 69mm x 184 mm x 54 mm
Required Interface Package USB(Interface Cable Required); 115,200
Operating Environment -20 °C to +60 °C, 0 %RH to 95 %RH, non-condensing
Approvals CE
Approvals CE
Internal Channel Temperature Range-20°C to +60°C
Internal Channel Temperature Resolution 0.01°C
Internal Channel Calibrated Accuracy +/-0.5°C(-20°C to +60°C)
Remote Channel Thermocouple TypesJ, K, T, E, R, S, B, N
Remote Channel Thermocouple Connection Female subminiature(SMP)
Cold Junction Compensation Automatic, based on internal channel
Maximum Thermocouple Resistance 1000 Ω, < 100Ω recommended
Remote Channel Temperature Sensor Thermocouple Types J, K, T, E, R, S, B ,N
Remote Channel Temperature Range Thermocouple Dependent
Remote Channel Temperature Resolution Thermocouple Dependent
Remote Channel Temperature Calibrated Accuracy Thermocouple Dependent